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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
ShadeofArcanaにより編集済み: 1/26/2023 10:48:05 PM

Allow Progression of Incomplete Seasons Passes Upon Surpassing Rank 100

As of current, passing seasonal rank 100 sucks, as we only receive lackluster Eververse engrams every five levels from that point onward. It is boring and anti-climactic, especially for players who are sitting at seasonal ranks well over 100 (once saw someone at rank 495 on the Tower). So instead of minimal rewards, what if players were presented with the option to select incomplete season passes to progress? I am fairly sure I am not the only person to suggest this idea, and there are several other games that utilize a similar concept so it's not totally unheard of within this genre. But enabling this would help prevent players from feeling like they lost money on an incomplete retired season pass as well as entice players to buy the season pass with the knowledge they can go back to it if they don't finish it. It also reduces FOMO among players who fear they might not complete the current season pass and rewards players who surpass the max seasonal rank by giving them something to do and look forward to after reaching rank 100. Such as acquiring old weapons, armor sets, ornaments, shaders, etc... When it comes to materials rewarded by retired passes these reagents could be removed from the passes, replaced with current materials or seasonal currency, or left alone to be given to Rahool in exchange for Glimmer. Furthermore, old season passes that players don't already have could be added to the Eververse inventory to purchase at our leisure. However, suppose a player has already completed every single pass through the current season. In that case, I suggest overhauling and implementing a better reward track for surpassing rank 100, everyone can feel free to discuss what that might look like below.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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