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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
1/16/2023 7:10:53 PM

Making a Vanguard "GM Card" to farm adepts and help title seekers

Hey everyone! Fair warning, this is gonna be a lengthy post. [b]TL;DR:[/b] Create a "GM Card" that is available after gilding is completed that unlocks the "catchup/gilding node" again. Completing all 6 GMs completes the card and allows you to turn it in to Zavala for extra adept weapon drops of your choice, allowing you to farm adept weapons and allow new guardians to get their Conqueror seal faster. [b]The Problem:[/b] Ever since the changes to the catchup node a year ago it has been more difficult for players trying to obtain the Conqueror title. This is because the catchup node that was previously available in the last weeks of a season enabled [i]anyone[/i] to launch any GM whenever they wanted, and so a player looking to get the title could go from 0 to Conqueror at any time in the last 3 weeks of a season. Bungie changed this to the gilding node that is available when GMs launch, but as each player completes a GM for their gilded title that GM is removed from their gilding node. This means that non-title owners can not access this node and try to get help from someone gilding their title that has access to the GMs they need to complete. If you have the conqueror title and have multiple friends looking for the title themselves, you can only help 2 per GM before you can no longer help them yourself. If a player without the title can not find someone trying to run for gilded, they must wait each week for the featured GM to pop up to be able to run it, even at the end of the season. Bungie made this change to the catchup node in part because they did not want players farming the easiest GM in a season like Lake of Shadows or Arms Dealer for the loot that week. This also sometimes made the harder GMs a one-and-done scenario if the weapon dropping that week was available during the catchup node weeks. On top of all this, in recent seasons only one adept weapon has been featured each week. This means if you are busy that week then you can not get the adept version of the weapon. This season the Wendigo GL Adept is only available the last week of the season. If you decided to take a break before coming back for Lightfall, you might miss out on this weapon as a result. So the problem is how to allow players without the title a better way to obtain the Conqueror title and give players a method to obtain adept weapons of their choice, while still limiting the access to the easier GMs per Bungie's preferences. [b]Proposed Solution:[/b] Create a "GM Card" (see link for mockup) that unlocks the gilding node. This would be available to anyone that does not currently have access to the gilding node, so non-title holders and those that have already gilded. If a non-title holder completes the title mid-card, then the original gilding node would take precedence. This card would require completion of each of the GMs available for the current season. Once a GM is completed it would be removed from the gilding node, same as the current way the node works. The card would reward multiple adept weapons upon completion and turn-in to Zavala. I used 3 weapons in the mockup but this could be any amount Bungie deems acceptable. Ideally you would be able to select the specific adept weapon you wanted, but even random rng would be ok if it pulled from the entire weapon pool. This GM card would allow players that enjoy helping others through the GMs acquire their titles by allowing them to run newer players through as many times as they are able, rather than limiting them to helping out a maximum of 2 before needing outside assistance. It gives access to all adept weapons at any time through a decent time investment, preventing players from missing out due to scheduling. Additionally, this still mostly prevents players from farming the easiest GMs outside of their featured week. [b]Potential Hurdles:[/b] The obvious pitfall would be that this would allow players to farm the easiest GM via acquiring the card, playing the easy GMs, then abandoning/deleting the card and getting a new one. To mitigate this the card should be reasonably expensive but I don't believe it needs to be incredibly outrageous. With needing to fly down to the tower to get a new card every time even the fastest GMs would likely end up with a 20+ minute cycle, and if the cost is enough that one can only do it repeatedly a handful of times before needing to acquire more glimmer or other resource, then that time sink goes up even higher. Of course the most dedicated will still prefer this in order to run Lake of Shadows over Lightblade as an example, but I don't believe they make up a significant percentage to avoid this method altogether. If the number of weapons rewarded is high enough it to where you get nearly as many doing the "easy GM only" farm then it becomes a moot point. All of this is also reliant on capabilities. I do not know anything about Destiny 2's code or framework so this may not be a possible change at all. If not, I hope the ideas could be considered as to how this might be tweaked to work within the game. If you made it this far, thank you! Feel free to make any suggestions or questions, as I am sure there are perspectives I have not considered and I would be happy to discuss them civilly.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • Raydra92により編集済み: 1/17/2023 4:51:12 AM
    It's a cool idea, but I also want something similar for casual ordeal enjoyers. Non GM enjoyers, to get the same kind of rewards but non Adept. The rich may get richer but the casual deserves to eat aswell. There's only so many players that are willing to drag undergeared/ inexperienced players through GM's and for the fun of it I ran 15-20 1550 ordeals yesterday and today only to get 1 Wendigo. Disgusting. There's more casual than hardcore players and with hardcore players I mean people able to farm GM's consistently with ease. These players deserve more loot, or simply just increase the seasonal weapons droprate. I don't care for Adept loot all that much but I will have to run the GM for Wendigo. The droprate on 1610 is even low with only 1 every 2-4 runs for most streamers I watched. Loot in general is making people tilted. We could use a system like yours for Gambit, Ordeals, GM Ordeals, hell even crucible. It sounds really good and would make people play more. Guaranteed loot is always nice with all the RNG in this game. Not just Adept loot.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

    1 返信
    • sideswipeにより編集済み: 1/17/2023 1:47:24 PM
      “Bungie did not want players farming the easiest GM for loot” How F stupid, here you have players actually playing the damn game. Who cares?!? The game is being played! They are still at the mercy of RNG for any unlikely God Roll. Bungie pushes more players away from wanting to play… Just BACKWARDS!



      マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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