Bungie has expanded the player vaults 3 times since D2 launched but hasn't raised the max Glimmer cap once since the beginning of all things Destiny. I am the only one who feels like it should be raised if not doubled or even set at a hefty one million?
I mean when players are buying ships and sparrows out of collections to put in their vaults and refusing to sell old planetary materials for sake of "storing Glimmer." That's how you know the max Glimmer cap is too low.
Spawnにより編集済み: 1/6/2023 11:33:50 PM[quote]Bungie has expanded the player vaults 3 times since D2 launched but hasn't raised the max Glimmer cap once since the beginning of all things Destiny.[/quote] This is incorrect, when Destiny 1 launched Glimmer cap was 25k, and still is to this day. Shadowkeep in Destiny 2 raised the Glimmer cap from 100k to the current 250k when Armor 2.0 shipped.
What about the INVENTORY !??? Every season my inventory is filled with respurces , this , that , blabla , i could not even bake more then 2 cookies with al those things sitting in my inventory and 75% of them i cannot store in the vault
The 250k cap it`s fine really, the only problem is that the glimmer is most of the time useless and it`s only useful with other currencies like shards, i think that instead of raising the max of a useless currency, they should at least let us use glimmer to buy other materials or actually make useful to vendors and etc
hvnis4real777により編集済み: 1/7/2023 11:06:43 PMAgreed. For the record, it was raised for D2 200k to what it is now. After reading, i could be wrong about 200k, but it was raised.
The cap should be raised on alot of things. Enhancement core stacks, glimmer, prisms, ascendant shards etc. Artificial limitations creates more problems than it solves.
Guardian,Archon Of Lightにより編集済み: 1/7/2023 4:20:48 PMIt's dumb to have resource caps period, just artifical limits where none is needed Currency is not capped in other similar games, in a Warframe you can farm put 50 million credits if you have the time
Everything from glimmer to enhancement prisms, to golf balls and beyond need to at the least double in storable capacity. Hoarding mats doesn't cause me to play the game any less, but running out of mats definitely will.
Raise/ remove caps in EVERYTHING! There is no reason why I should only be able to hold 10 Ascendant shards!
I've never run out of glimmer. I've never come close. I have thought about, "having enough" but the reality is it's never come up! I think maybe Bungie might have found a sweet spot on this one resource in game management... It doesn't happen often - so I for one am gonna celebrate it... (And), obviously- your facts were wrong which doesn't help your plea.
Better idea. Get rid of Glimmer in the game. There's too many stupid currencies in this game.