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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
12/3/2022 4:02:28 PM

Melee wiffs and shotgun wiffs

Melee wiffs have been a problem for a long time and it feels like lately they have been even worse. I feel like the primary reason for this has been their range. OK this propably sounds bad, who would like nerfs. I'm not saying their hit detection is bad but their range. It's simply too much for the game. Let's look at shotgun one hit range. It hangs at around 7m, with slugs around 10,5m. Your basic melee range is 5m and 7m with ophidians and synthoceps. Your melee instantly teleports you to your opponent and back, possibly causing you to miss your shotgun pellet or slugs.This just feels bad and like absolute rng. Nowadays the shotgun melee combo is the most reliable way to kill someone. Why? Because the ranges on shotguns and melees overlap (and slidenerfs and ae nerfs to shotguns). I think that nerfing the range on basic melees to around 2-3m and at max 4m with melee exotics would greatly reduce the amount of melee teleports and shotgun wiffs. We already have huge amounts of powered melees with range, tracking etc. To compensate for the reduced melee range I would buff shotgun range a little, around 1-2m on both pellet and slugs. Their nerfs to sliding and ae would also need to be removed. The upcoming changes to pellet spread patterns could affect how much of a buff is needed though. Idea behind this is consistency, close range battles wouldn't be just rng fest of teleports and missed shotgun shots, and shotguns would actually have a point in using them alone for their stopping power. Thank you for reading!



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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