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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
Baracko_Barnerにより編集済み: 11/27/2022 4:06:08 PM

Mods, Builds and declining Playerbase

Hi all, hi bungie, i can't get my head around this games management with builds. Destiny took huge steps towards a fun gameplay with builds. If you've been active in the early days or even Destiny 1, you know how conservative Destiny was in the past (e. g. throwing a grenade every 2 min). Now we got cool stuff, great builds, many interactions. But: you can't partake if you don't have mandatory combat style mods. You can skip any Youtube-Guide to the mod section and in most cases just forget about the fun stuff you see there. There is no way you can do that. No way other than waiting for Ada-1's rotation - which on top of all things sells useless stuff most of the time. I recently got into Witch Queen and played a fair bit (Season rank 220+, lightlvl 1599). I got some friends hyped to get into Destiny - but once they've seen that they just can't catch up to my mod collection and build-opportunities they lost interest immediately. And it's not that this takes a long time or is hard to achieve. It's straight up impossible, there is no gameplay mechanic you have to overcome to get the fun stuff - it's a random vendor that often does not sell relevant mods for months. @Bungie: is that a consious decision? I can't think of any game that implements this much element of "waiting" in the core of it's mechanics. The Playerbase is declining, most players complain about the lack of useful stuff to do. That's the established playerbase. Newcomers would have enough to explore, but you don't give them the tools to do so - why? I know that you can play the game without combat style mods. Reduced, more weaponoriented core gameplay. But Newcomers will google for builds, will see fun stuff on Youtube and: will be disappointed. Please change this. Make Combat Style Mods a drop, establish a newressource to craft random mods - whatever. This is an easy task for your experienced crew. KR A Guy without "Elemental Charge"



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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