I have tried riding these elevators in first person view, third person view, standing, crouching, looking up, down, and center, and it is still a coin toss's chance of dying. Whether it just kills me suddenly, or bounces my character up and mega-ricochets-slams me to death within a second, it is preventing me from doing this area solo on Xbox Series X.
It seems like it doesn't do it on PS5 or PC as much, but Xbox Series X it kills me almost every single time. I don't get it, but it makes this dungeon's first area virtually unplayable without a teammate to standby for the bugged elevator death.
I was interested in your video and have been checking into some glitches and other things that just dont work in the game. I tried a run and got some footage that looks similar to yours. https://youtu.be/dcJK0YjBORI I for sure died at the end cause of the jumping and the accelerating platform smashing me with Bungo fizix. Looks to me like you jumped and pretty much had the same death. Didn't have any deaths at all riding normally. This footage was anything interesting/related to your issue. Captured some stuff later on that was also buggy
it happens from time to time due to the platform/elevators moving so fast at the end they kinda push you slightly upwards and the moment from that is an insta kill