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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
10/22/2022 10:18:38 PM

Armor Misalignments and Other Miscellaneous Visual Bugs (extremely important)

This is an extremely pressing issue (full sarcasm). Thanks to the transmog system, a problem with armor across all classes has been made clear: much of the game's armor doesn't quite line up with other armor from different years. An example would be hunter's courtier sleeves clipping through the back of the veritas chest piece. As a game developer with a degree from Armchair University, I have no idea why this problem continues to occur. Special mention goes out to Warlock's Eidolon Pursuant Robe, whose front... robe flap thing(?) clips through every piece of warlock leg armor I own. But why is this a problem, O Bucket of Skulls? Well, I transmogged the Eidolon Pursuant robes because I liked the ghost-bustery aesthetic. In the preview, the robes appeared completely normal. Exit the transmog menu, and the robe flap thing has apparently cut through my poor warlock's thigh down to the bone. Therefore, I spent ~1 hour of game time to unlock the robe transmog, only to realize there was a visual bug, which is a pet peeve that I refuse to allow anywhere near my characters. For a smiliar reason, I no longer wear the titan DSC mark, because the bottom edge looks very messy. I have some rudimentary knowledge of Blender, and I believe whatever Destiny's equivalent of UV texturing is responsible. For those who are unaware, UV texturing is basically superimposing a flat image onto a 3D object. To do this, you cut your 3D model into sections, and then you can more easily fit your desired image to the model. I suspect that every shadeable item in Destiny 2 has to have its parts laid out in their editor in a specific way, and that way doesn't quite work with all of the models. It works most of the time, but as you know, there are exceptions. This issue is something I expect would take an enormous amount of dev hours to fix, it may even require rebuilding every model or texture from the ground-up. That being said, it does feel pretty crappy to spend time, money, or both on a cosmetic item, only to find an annoying visual issue that discourages that item's use.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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