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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
10/14/2022 9:34:47 PM

Pinnacle Algorithm

Bungie Team, I have been around since Vault of Glass in D1. If you feel like taking the time, go ahead and look it up. I've spent thousands of hours in D1 and D2 and had a lot of fun. Being in my early 40s with a full time job, a wife and 3 boys of my own I am limited in the amount of time I spend in game. My best buddy and I make Thursday night and Saturday night our gaming nights. I jump on after my boys go to bed and we play way too late and sneak into bed... paying for it the next day but usually happy with our conquests and spoils. I've been meaning to bring this up for a long time though... its genuinely been bothering me. If its bothering one dad in his 40s it's probably bothering a lot of dads/moms/husbands/wives/providers of all ages. I work methodically, when I can, on pinnacle activities to help myself level up during a season. With my limited time I see it as a great personal achievement to hit the cap in any given season. Last season I had a single item that was maxed out at the top 1570 level - I don't remember what but lets just say gauntlets. I proceeded to do 3 more pinnacle activities and receive 3 more sets of maxed out gauntlets. Now with my limited time I was pissed about that. I dropped my controller and didn't pick the game back up for more than a week. But of course I did come back. Problem is - this happens A LOT. A lot. That is just one example I remember. Right now I am fighting for 1580 and its a struggle but I am almost there. I have boots and heavy at 1580. Today I got 2 pinnacles, one from Hawthorne and one from Trials. One was boots and one was heavy. I've honestly about had it with this. Yah I'm mad and I'm writing in frustration but I'm talking from the perspective of someone who doesn't grind week in and week out. But I still put in enough time to max out the season pass and then some but end up getting screwed by pinnacles again and again. You have a freaking algorithm that helps with exotic drops. If someone doesn't have something the odds go up they'll get that instead of a bunch of repeats they already have. Why can that not apply to pinnacle drops? I am educated and understand your business. I know the goal is to have us in game and playing as much as possible. What if you are overplaying that hand though? What if this system does the opposite for those like me? This current system is pushing me away from the game - not drawing me in. I am limited on time and I am limited on pinnacles I can get in a week by myself. The system, as it sits, is going to lose me and a lot of people in similar circumstances. There has to be a better way. You made a great game - please figure it out. -Lytehouse21



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