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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
Wesにより編集済み: 9/29/2022 4:21:29 AM

With resilience as good as it is, the mobility stat needs a buff.

TLDR: The choice of 2 100s between mobility, recovery, and resilience is not equal between the three classes, largely because mobility is weak by comparison. Let's be real here. The best Titans and Warlocks pretty much ignore the mobility stat. It only affects initial jump height, walking speed, and strafe speed. So if a Titan or Warlock wants to move quickly, low mobility it is. That way they spend less time in the air and more time bouncing off of geometry. And while strafe speed is important, it is pretty soundly outclassed by 100 resilience and 100 recovery, because even at 30-40 mobility you're strafing fine. Titans and Warlocks value getting to key positions in the map, leveraging peeker advantage, AND being able to close/stretch gaps faster more than having max strafe speed. And you really can't blame them when you break it down like that. So Titans and Warlocks can get all the flinch and health benefits of resilience, all the recovery bonuses, and their class ability cooldown to max without any real sacrifice. Hunters don't have this luxury. Now the last thing I'm gonna do is say "Buff Hunters." God knows that won't go well here. Instead, I suggest buffing mobility to give everyone a reason to consider it a good option. Three options here: 1. Make mobility affect sprint speed, ability jump height (not just initial), and slide distance. Rework movement exotics that do similar things. (Not nerf them to the ground. Just rework them.) 2. Make mobility affect AE. 3. A combination of the two above options. [spoiler]I personally like options 1 or 3, because I think the best movement potential should be a build; not just slap on exotic X and profit. Getting to important map positions first is of the utmost importance in certain game modes.[/spoiler] With these changes, all three classes will have to make a hard choice and commit to it. Some sacrifices will be made between all three classes, rather than just Hunter.



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  • Mobility should buff the handling stat.



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  • No hunters are fine, make a build and learn how to use your class.



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    1 返信
    • Resilience needs a buff.



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      3 通の返信
      • 70+ mobility is a requirement for me on every class due to the strafe speed increase, a buff isn’t needed.



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        4 通の返信
        • For pve, the higher your mobility is, the harder it is for enemies to shoot at you accurately while you’re moving.



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        • I would think just adding better/faster directional control with lift and glide the higher the mobility stat is.



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        • I just love how my tier 5 mobility Titan friends outrun my tier 10 mobility Hunter when we spawn into a PvP match.



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        • I'd rather they reduced to a degree some of the ridiculous extra advantages piled on to Resilience they've added in PvP, rather than fuelling an arms race of buffing. As far as balance, the strafe speed alone is a MAJOR advantage in PvP particularly for peek shooting. That's not specific to Class of course, but something *sometimes" forgone mainly out of necessity for the "Class stat" of Titan/Warlock. Any Mobility buff will 'break' (further) an already broken, imbalanced game. Also a tangential issue is the terrible system of targeting acquiring new Exotics to change any proposed Stat importance. It's also generally a terrible stat system to boot. These need changing anyway but until they do it's a further disadvantage to change weighting. But it's tangential. The main reasoning not to do so is above.



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          2 通の返信
          • Scratchにより編集済み: 9/30/2022 7:10:43 AM
            OP's got a point Think of it this way folks Hunter = Mobility Titan = Resilience Warlock = Recovery If all three classes take a 'middle of the road build' 60mob, 60res, 60rec, then all three guardians are on equal ground. Each guardian has identical Mobility, identical Resilience, identical Recovery, and identical stats in their specialized Class ability. If all guardians ran 100mob, 40res, 40rec, then all three would be identical except for the Hunter, who would gain the benefit of shorter Class ability cooldown(because he's building into his class) while the other to would have longer cooldowns, yet identical in every other regard. Same goes if each guardian ran 40 mob,100res, 40rec. Titan would benefit with shorter ability cooldowns, because Titan specializes in resilience, while the other two would have longer class abilities. But other than that everything else would be equal. Each guardian running 40mod, 40res, 100rec, same deal. Same in every way but their Class ability cooldown. The bedrock of a system like this is that each attribute must be equally powerful. [u][i][b]The real question is: Are 1) 40% damage reduction 2) 3 second faster health regen And 3) Strafing to the side a wee bit faster Equally powerful?[/b][/i][/u] [i]That [/i]could be argued either way, but with the increased power and importance of resilience, the always present power and importance of faster up time, discussing if Mobility could be expanded beyond its ability to [i]only[/i] play peek-a-boo is worth exploring. Adding sprint speed to 3 would be a good balance.



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            2 通の返信
            • No



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            • They could change how mobility effects lift/glide, and boom. Problem solved.



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              1 返信
              • About time others see this... I've made several posts about this ( not said as well ) months ago. This is an issue and mobility needs to be reworked. And stompees nerf needs to be reverted and only useable with triple jump. Sorry give n take. You can use them with no ae penalty but not with the jump you want.



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                1 返信
                • Lol the fact that so many people who are disagreeing with this don’t understand that it would be a stat buff and benefits all classes. It’s just the fact that they don’t want to deal with the disadvantage hunters have to deal with right now by actually having to make a choice in which of the top stats they invest in.



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                  1 返信
                  • Dude, 100 mobility hunter with stompies and amplified run is the fastest set up ever. My titan can’t touch it neither then can a warlock. The reason we seem faster is our jump can be adjusted to propel us. However hunters have great control in close combat when jumping and can easily out run any titan or warlock. It’s almost like you guys don’t even know your own class. [spoiler]nibbles crayon[/spoiler]



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                    15 通の返信
                    • Option 1 won't work. Sprint speed (according to them) already hits their "cap" when you are amplified...which is basically just using dunemarchers, so not much more. Increased ability jump height might be beneficial to an extent, but I don't think it would work either. There's no map geometry to support the bonus of increased height. Pve it might help hunters, but not enough that you would max it out over just throwing stompeez or lion rampant on for a second. Also fall damage, they'd have to make adjustments there. Slide distance also doesn't work because of the exotics or subclass bonuses like amplify or behemoth slide. Giving it a greater distance it could cover would be problematic towards the balance of the game and serve next to no real purpose in pve. Mobility affecting aerial effectiveness...I mean that could work, but I can't imagine they'd be throwing 20+ at you for it. Mobility I'm gonna say is just kinda screwed. It (much like resilience does when looking at health) holds such a fine line between game breaking problems. Going TOO fast would turn it into a game that the rest of the mechanics and most weapons don't support. Making you jump too high allows you to exploit areas of the map likely tailored to not give access. Sliding it just a pvp thing and improving it there breaks the momentum of the game (people cried about behemoth slide for a reason).



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                    • DiZにより編集済み: 9/30/2022 3:33:55 AM
                      I think it'd be OK to make Mobility buff things like sprint speed, but idk about buffing weapon handling. Personally, I think the best ways to buff Mobility without making it broken would either be to directly buff the strafe speed at higher tiers, whether that be directly increasing the max walking speed it provides, or having it lessen the effects of the ADS penalty to strafe speed. I've always thought this game would be more fun if we had more primary fights with the strafe speed that something like Peacekeepers provides Titans with SMGs, but with all weapons. The other way would be to have it so that the effects of the game's aim assist/bullet mag./auto-targeting (in the case of PvE combatants) are lessened against those targeting/aiming at you, but that's probably too strong. Although adding only the PvE part may be good. [spoiler]I main Titan, but unlike most, I do like having high-ish Mobility for strafing, even though I'd have faster latetal movement/traversal from my jump if I tuned it down, especially by removing Powerful Friends. I just think good strafing should be highlighted more in gunfights at higher levels of play, instead of it just being positioned well near cover, instant-sliding, and occasionally spamming crouch.[/spoiler]



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                      1 返信
                      • I’m afraid I have to disagree simply because Resil was an entirely wasted stat for 8 years and has only recently become any good. Hunters are OP in general in pvp and anything that causes them an issue is all good with me. They are far too nimble as is, this would elevate them far too much. The only way I could support this is if Resil became much more useful giving much more health with each stat increase. Like at least triple what it does now.



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                      • 1

                        SuperTony - 古い投稿

                        Haha... no



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                      • I would argue resilience needs to be tines back down a bit. Resilience is too much of a must have now that punishes you for not having 100. Even tier 9 drops your damage resist by what, 6%? That's crazy... No single stat should be a must have, especially when thats on every class because then the 2 classes that aren't reliant on that stat for class abilities are forced to run it and sacrifice other stats. In this case you're sacrificing other stats for straight damage resist, which shouldn't be something you need to choose. You can run low recovery and still be fine but now if you drop your resilience you'll feel it because Bungie have balanced the game around it, just like they did with Well of Radiance and Divinity. They dig these holes then wonder why they're stuck.



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                        3 通の返信
                        • This is why pvp is an anchor around the game’s neck.



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                          28 通の返信
                          • Delete stompees and make the sprint speed and jump boost available to all classes with 100 mobility.



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                          • No. Mobility should affect only: weapons swap speed, reload speed and melee attack speed. Sprint speed, height of jump, sliding shouldn't have any affect from ability and must be standard for each and every class and subclass. Running should have three speeds. 1 - Sprint. (Normal) 2 - Buffed by exotics or when amped in arc class. (Fast) 3 - Using any super. (Fastest)



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                            1 返信
                            • Yo I just made a post talking about a potential rework to mobility yesterday. That’s crazy… but I completely agree! Well said!



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                            • Kiro - 13により編集済み: 9/29/2022 4:31:42 PM
                              @Wes one huge issue with this. Titans and warlocks would unite and say "its unfair hunters get benefit from mobility" even though a buff to mobility along the lines you said would benefit them as well. Warlocks and titans go faster the lower mobility with the sweet spot being 20mobility for optimal speed. This allows them to build 20mob|100resili|100rec. While letting them leverage maximum move speed, maximum HP, maximum flinch reduction, maximum regeneration. Hunters are pigeon holed to build 100mob|20-50resili|100rec. If you did not know about 20mobility being optimal for fastest movement speed on 2 of the 3 classes, welcome to endgame pvp. & you need to start working on movement mastery.



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                              25 通の返信
                              • Weird how 95% of the people on this post don’t even get the point. Titan and warlock will always have better builds simply due to not having to invest in mobility. They just rack up 100 recov and resil easy while reaping the inherent benefits of both class ability cooldown and health regen/flinch reduction. Hunter is forced to run one incredibly low in order to have their class ability quickly. But I guess it’s what we deserve since we can press a and jump. Rip to all the grandfathers playing 2 sense that have been abused by hunters pressing A for years. Can I get an amen



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                              • No hunters are too strong in pvp leave them as is Come You guys don’t have a 11 min super cooldown not to mention dodge is key to reposition Don’t complain about something they won’t change



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