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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
Mushatchにより編集済み: 9/23/2022 3:45:20 PM

Ideas for a potential Clan rework (Just some input)

Hello everyone. I made a thread on twitter today on some ideas for changing up clan rewards and making them a bit more rewarding. Just as a heads up, this is just reworking what we currently have. This does not change how leveling it works. (I will be copying and pasting what I posted in my twitter thread here) - Potential clan shader or emblem. This would be acquired after you get to the top level and you can get one either every season or every dlc that comes out. Has a bit more incentive to try to actively get that level up, but it’ll still act the same for leveling so it’s passive. - Reworking some of the rewards. Mainly the trials one. Maybe adjust it so that it says Nightfalls/Trials/General leveling for pvp, strikes, and gambit? Just an idea mainly. - Have public service potentially drop a red bar for that seasons weapons? Like you got do a public event and it gives a red bar after the public event? Gives more incentive to do other stuff in the game. - Core hound and The Extra Mile I feel are solid as they are. Maybe give more legendary shards but still good imo. - And potentially give something for the banner pole you use for your clan? Like maybe give a small buff to something. And when you do raids or any activity that lets you drop a raid banner, it’s your clans banner that drops depending on the person. This is just more a fun idea. - From one of my clan mates: Increase XP gained depending on how many clan mates you are playing with. So instead of the standard 200, it ramps up to like 300 if you have someone with you. Not saying those numbers would work, just an example. - One more from a clan member: Clan memento. like how we have trials, gambit, and gms. You can only get this on max level of the clan though.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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