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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
Ayanoにより編集済み: 9/18/2022 2:38:44 PM

"Nightmare Harvester Tuning" - triumph not working

Hey, I know it's already past Season of the Haunted, but the triumph "Nightmare Harvester Tuning" never worked for me despite having all of the artifact mods unlocked on all 3 characters. Thought maybe the issue would be fixed at the end of the season or basically when the next season drops, but it never did. I know I am not the only one with the issue and some of my friends have the same thing. Could not find any existing thread on the topic tho. Is there still any chance to obtain the triumph? Screenshots below from the artifact and triumph. [url][/url] Cheers, Ayano



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