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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
8/30/2022 3:32:20 AM

I have some solar 3.0 suggestions

Hello Toast here with a post. I think the 3.0 subclass changes where generally a success but I was and still am upset about solor 3.0 for warlock dawnblade got gutted and bottom tree chain was removed, are medic kit got nerfed, Phoenix dive (the only thing left from bottom tree) got nerfed so hard it's now irrelevant. I know we have Starfire and Sunbracers but there was so much more that could have been done. ASPECT CHANGES: 1. Gives 2 dashes to Icarus Dash, Heat Rises no longer required for max effectiveness, remove the bonus dash from Heat Rises. 2. Make Icarus Dash a double input instead of a held input, Instead of holding down the button click it twice quickly. 3. Make Phoenix Dive a part of the Icarus Dash aspect and give it a 5 second cool down. Remove the cure effect from base Phoenix Dive. 4. Change Phoenix Dive to be at full potential while Dawnblade is active not Heat Rises. 5. Remove healing bonuses from Icarus Dash and give them to Heat Rises. 6. Heat Rises now grants restoration ×2 to every Dawnblade kill while it is active. 7. Touch Of Flame now Improves every solar grenade. (Swarm has better tracking, Incendiary now leaves a fire puddle after exploding, Thermite makes its waves faster, and Tripmine has a increased radius.) My goals for this was to strengthen Dawnblade and to make the aspects more self reliant and not need each other for there own use. SUPER CHANGES: 1. Dawnblade now applies scorch stacks. (60 per sword swing) 2. Dawnblade now does increased damage every sword swing. (25% every sword swing up to 250%) (will need a exotic for 250% increased damage) 3. Well Of Radiance now constantly scorches enemies inside of its radius. (10 stacks a second in PVE, 5 stacks a second in PVP) 4. Increased Well Of Radiance cooldown time to 7:30. (This is a slight nerf) The goal of these changes is to improve the supers especially Dawnblade while not forgetting about Well Of Radiance and to adjust it as well. EXOTICS: DAWN CHORUS, adjusted to be more in line with my changes. (Removed Dawnblade bonus and replaced it with a scorch bonus) RIGHTS OF EMBER: increased scorch damage, killing a scorched target spreads scorch to nearby enemies, gain melee energy every time a enemy burns. PHOENIX PROTOCOL, buffed BATTLE-HEARTH: kills and assist you make inside your Well Of Radiance returns super energy, your Well Of Radiance now grants over shields to you and your team PROMETHIUM SPUR,  changed how it works to be more useful. EMBERS OF LIGHT: Defeating combatants or guardians while Dawnblade is active creates a healing and empowering rift on your location. While standing in a rift solar weapon final blows grant rift energy. When rift energy is full ability kills spawn a healing and empowering rift at your location. ARCHANGELS GRACE, new exotic chest piece with a angelic theme. ARCHANGEL: Kills with dawnblade increases it's duration and on super end some super energy is refunded. (Up to 50% super refund requires 10 kills.) Tell me what you think of my exotic idea and reworks. I had all these concepts in my notes for a while I made a "I miss bottom tree dawnblade" post and alot of people agreed so I made this by putting some of my notes together into one large post. I actually want to here from the perspectives of hunter and titan mains and see what they say about the 3.0 changes and how they would Improve the game we all love and enjoy as I know in the grand scheme of things the 3.0 changes where good but all the classes lost something. Thank you for taking the time to read this, with love from a wet Toaster. :)



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