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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
8/11/2022 3:22:14 AM

Paywalls need revision & Outdated content

I'm going to start with this, and I say this in the nicest tone because I have much love for yall. Here is my current feedback I have as a sweaty hardcore Destiny player. -DLC linked NFs block New Lights from completing their Vangard OPs questline. So, the impression given is "Give us money to finish tutorial" I don't like this we can do better at least give them a freebie for that week regardless of the DLC ties. -Trials is locked behind Witch Queen ownership, originally season pass was only required I personally do not like this change. -S17 and Duality are next to each other and market the impression they go together in gameplay, lore and rewards yet are separate by different paywalls. Season of Arrivals launched with Prophecy and was made free for all players. Not sure why change from this direction that was well received. Not asking for it to be free but I feel Duality should have shipped with season 17s purchase. -Variks, the Beyond Light vendor has two pinnacle upgrades that are meaningless because bungie took those away from the activities so players will now complete those for nothing hence outdated. -Weapon & Armor Quests on the moon. These should be changed to a focusing format like newer vendors from the essence quests. Its outdated and too time consuming for weapons and armor that are also outdated in the games current state. The OG armor ones for Shadowkeeps story can stay but the vendor that remains to farm afterwards could use a touch up. Nightmare hunts could just have target farming for that weapon. I love Destiny and I like many just want the best for the game's growth and in my opinion the little things matter the most to me. The impression the paywalls give to players shouldn't be overlooked I have friends who attempt to start and things like the NF paywall blocks set a bad example. The outdated vendors need updating, this is paid content WQ was great but that doesn't mean past dlc should just get left in the dark. I like the game as a whole old and new content. It's just how I feel. Please be respectful in replies and just keep smiling. :)



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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