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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
7/21/2022 11:37:04 AM

Bonfire is just Forge Ignition

So the 4 forges (well I'm not sure Izanami Forge is still in the game since it used a teleporter) are STILL in the game even tough the content as been "vaulted". So Bungie explain to me this, why the forges are still in the game even tough it's not used anymore and why the same codding as Forge Ignition is in Bonfire ? There is all the stuff to bring back the 4 Forges, the places, the game code and the weapons. If you want to remove something from the game do it to the point you remove it all and that's it ! I know you don't want to do Destiny 3 but if you want to keep the game live service for at least another 5 years we don't care that the game do more than a 100Gb, and I know I'm going to have a response like "but the game with so many assets makes more bugs that we can't fix everything" so ? just focus on the gamebreaking bugs.



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