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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
JacksonMSBにより編集済み: 7/21/2022 9:52:13 AM






Not sure


Yesterday I re-rolled 3 pieces of Solstice armor. It took me all day and, even though I was bored to tears with the grind on grind and unimpressed about paying to play an encounter I used to get for free, I (eventually) came to be at peace with the terms because the first piece of armor I converted rolled a stat of 30 with the focus of my choosing. "Fine" I thought. "It's not about the encounter. It's about the stats on the armor." The armor drops have been rubbish for two seasons and I needed better resilience gear. "A fair trade" (or so I thought). I re-rolled a resilience focus on each new piece. My new gauntlets rolled with a stat of 32 ("Eureka!"), the chest piece rolled with 30 and the legs rolled with 30. ONE DAY LATER and TWO of the THREE pieces have LOST 10 LIGHT each. The 32 gauntlets are now 22, the 30 chest piece is now 20. Only the legs are still 30. "WT-the absolute-F have you done Bungie!" As if that wasn't bad enough, on the same day I discovered my FAVOURITE Hunter cosmetic ornament for my Righteous Cloak (a cape without a cape) has had a flipping cape attached to it!!! "WT-double-F Bungie!!!" IS THIS what you're doing with your time? Stealing stats and fiddling with ornaments? What was the point of forcing a cape on me? Placating some mamby-pamby Titan influencer who's too dumb to tell if I'm a Hunter unless he sees a cape strapped onto my back? Ada made me grind for that ornament! I EARNED IT!!! It's mine and it's my COSMETIC choice. Where do you get off arbitrarily deciding I have to look different now? As for the afore-mentioned armor stats - if you f'd up and dropped armor with stats higher than what you intended THAT'S ON YOU!!! Grow up and own your f-ups! I invested time, effort and MATERIALS based on those STATS!!! I haven't forgotten about the gun drops last season with 100 stats only to have them nerfed through the floor in the following days. I wouldn't have upgraded and master worked those guns if I knew you were going to STEAL THE STATS!!!! I also haven't forgotten about my FULLY MASTERWORKED Iron Truage armor set you put in the bin .... sorry .... "sunsetted" the same time you offered THAT EXACT SAME ARMOR SET. What was the point of that? Make us all go grind out an IB set but spare you the effort of making a new one? Where the hell is your integrity? I haven't touched IB since and nor will I. Why should we contribute funds to your enterprise when you don't value our contribution? You need to take a good, long, hard look at yourselves. Your maltreatment of your player base WILL have consequences.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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