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Soupreemにより編集済み: 7/19/2022 4:44:44 AM
Going to have to shorten things here, since I'm struggling with the character limit. [quote]1) [b]Disable Resist in PVP[/b] [/quote] I'm more in favor of nerfing over outright removing. Like, Stag isn't a problem, nor are the Grasps. It's only Omni, which IMHO needs either the resist axed completely, or the increased uptime axed, and Resist changed to 10% in PvP. And yes, that means I'm in favor of Omni being nerfed in PvE, it's too good to be healthy there, IMHO. [quote]2) [b]Disable Artifact Mods in PVP[/b][/quote] Seconded. Just hard disable anything that's not Champion mods in PvP. [quote]3) [b]Allow Saint-14 and Lord Saladin to focus weapons that are not in rotation[/b][/quote] Please, god, yes. Also, reduce the cost for it. 100 shards, or 300 for the Adept is far, far too much. [quote]4) [b]Invisibility removed when damaged in PVP[/b][/quote] Disagree. Invis is really really weak without Omni (or MAYBE Kephri's Sting). Unless you hard rework all of Nightstalker, or buff invis significantly, I'm disagreeing with it's removal with damage, especially since it (and by extension Omni) are only really an issue with shotguns, and to a lesser extent, snipers being equipped. [quote]5) [b]Rotate the Control Playlist with other playlists[/b][/quote] Ehhhhhhhh, I'd say just have it like most games do it, where you tick modes to play (maybe also maps) and are matched based on that. [quote]1) [b]Implement Matchmaking preferences[/b][/quote] Agree. [quote]2) [b]QuickPlay[/b][/quote] Kinda redundant, since I'd just have it be off of a checklist in terms of what modes you play, so you'd just match into whatever you want for 6s, 3s, etc. [quote]3) [b]Ranked/Competitive[/b][/quote] I disagree somewhat. The problem with Comp as a whole in games is the rewards really need to be cosmetic. Otherwise you get situations like Mountaintop and Recluse, where PvE players are forced into something likely completely out of their element to really be competitive in PvE. So I wouldn't tie anything that's functional to Comp, period. Have some ornaments, a shader, sure, but guns? No. [quote]4)[b] Aerial Effectiveness[/b][/quote] IMHO, the penalty really needs to just be one thing that's tuned by weapon type. Personally, I'd have it be just aim assist, with the scale being based on weapon type (IE, long range precision weapons start off weaker and can't get 100% aim assist in the air, where other weapons like SMGs start at a lesser penalty and can scale up to no penalty). [quote]5) [b]Abilities and Gun Play[/b][/quote] Outside of Restoration, I don't really see it. D2 already has among the longest cooldowns of any game that uses abilities (or similar), and comparing it to most mainstream FPS games, I scratch my head at complaints of spam. Where most Halo games have multiple grenades [i]per gunfight[/i] being thrown, or CoD generally having a lot of grenades flying, especially outside of TDM, or Overwatch considering 30 seconds a long cooldown, being reserved for an outright revival mechanic. Maybe I'm dumb, but I think things that aren't Restoration are mechanically fine, with Sentinel's overshields maybe needing a rework to make stacking them less snowbally. [quote]6) [b]Maps[/b][/quote] I think one per season as a demand is reasonable, although this is considering both new and unvaulted maps. But I think it's more than reasonable to want multiple maps per major expansion, and at least 1 per season. Most other AAA games do this, so having the same standards for Bungie is hardly unreasonable. [quote]7) [b]Gamemodes[/b][/quote] I think the ideas could work, should the spaghetti code allow it lol. Problem with going beyond 6s, though, is that it'd require an overhaul of the networking infrastructure. It's what SHOULD be done, but I don't think it's likely to happen before Final Shape, if at all.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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    Love the insight here. Invis probably doesnt need a change just yet as Omni makes is seem way stronger than it actually is. rotating playlists and QP, yeah true. I was trying to follow Bungie’s philosophy on rotation but yeah I’d rather be able to just select the mode i want outright. Maybe its just me but a QP playlist still sounds nice. With comp, yeah cosmetics need to be grind. I only mention weapons to provide a similar experience towards grinding a pinnacle/ritual weapon. They don’t need to be special or strong like pinnacles, dear god no. But if they’re like the crucible weapons we have now, just different models i guess, it’d be nice. Or equivalent to trials weapons at most. Abilities idk maybe its just me seeing them used way more ever since we left the 30th anniversary meta. True, once a season is reasonable and should be expected for a AAA game. Just hope they bring back fan favorites instead of Vostok With AE, yeah i want the penalty to be towards AA. But keeping precision. Aim precisely at the head and you shoot their head. Slightly off? Too bad if you have low AE. Game modes, big sadge. I forgot how complicated it could be to achieve.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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