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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
6/20/2022 8:20:14 PM

Exotics that have seen close to zero use in years that bungie forgot existed - When will we see buffs?

The colony - low damage with no real uniqueness to the perk other than being a meme gun for pvp. The prospector - burn does almost no damage and it overall got power crept out by better exotics Worldline zero - at best it’s a pvp sword but it basically has no place in the game due to its basic perk that needs something extra to make it shine. D.A.R.C.I - A relic of the past that doesn’t have a lot going for it especially with the current state that snipers are in for pve. Truth - it’s tracking is a far cry from d1 and eyes of tomorrow already does it better. Ghorn has the same tracking more or less. Salvation’s grip - this just needs another perk to make it actually do something useful. Other than that, it’s a novelty. Borealis - it’s catalyst has been effectively useless since the change to fundamentals and it’s perk isn’t that strong in today’s meta. Tommy’s matchbook - I just think this needs some way to overflow the mag or reload during fire, otherwise it’s risk is too high when other weapons can do it’s job better (huckleberry) Wish ender - this bow needs a speed increase with anti barrier or something but first they would need to fix the bug that reduces it’s damage when anti barrier bow is applied. Monte Carlo - would be nice to see the blade get some use in the form of a catalyst. Maybe get kills then long press a button to activate the blade for a high damage melee attack. Honourable mention: Collective obligation - yeah it’s been out for a season but is just the worst raid exotic released today. 390 pulses are already niche in the meta already but it’s perk is much to be desired especially with the cooldown



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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