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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
Oryrkにより編集済み: 6/12/2022 11:30:28 AM

Duality, Tips an Tricks.

After banging my head against it enough for 3 clears an a few partial boss farms at CP1 here's a few personal tips/tricks. 1)Flashbangs/Gemini Jesters are best friends, the Dungeon is *Add'oclock* all day ,so slow em down. 2)Slow an steady, don't rush this, clear out adds an come back , especially in the tomb/vault cp. 4)If you cause the Flag bearer to spawn they stay there. So don't worry, go back , reset the clock an come back. 3) DPS isn't king . There is no need to rush this. 4) Watch the clock, at 15 seconds , bail on whatever you're doing an go back. 5) Use whatever keeps you alive, screw the *the Meta* That's it , just relax , reset an recenter. You got this Guardian. Drink your water an don't lick rocks



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