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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
6/3/2022 10:42:38 PM

Community made patch

Hello everyone my name is Toast and I love destiny and I was thinking we could make a patch so here are the rules... 1: must be balanced. 2: must add at least 1 buff/nerf 3: must address 1 bug 4: must rework 1 exotic, fragment, or aspect. 5: must add a new catalyst/ornament or both 6: must make it sound like a twab 7: must explain the changes done. I'll go first... Sup gamers we here at #Bungie have decided to pull some strings and give you guys one big ol patch so lets get started. [u]Raid sparrows[/u] are getting some love. You see Always on Time sat at the top of the throne for to long and now it got to make room. We are not nerfing the Always on Time quite the opposite we are bringing all raid sparrows to its level. That right all raid sparrows will have the exact same stats as Always oon Time. Now this is for two reasons 1: having one sparrow be the best aint fun. 2: these are raid sparrows why aren't they the best? Next exotic weapons. We here at #bungie have heard the cries for under performing exotics to get some love and we are giving them the tlc they deserve now we wont get through all of them in this patch but we promise they all will get some love in due time. [u]D.A.R.C.I[/u]: catalyst has been updated to also give the weapon firing line [u]Legend of Acrius[/u]: long march now is just a Improved frenzy (+5% more damage then standard frenzy) [u]The Queenbreaker[/u]: changed how modes are switched from in menu to now just holding the reload button/ longer has perk choice between hip fire grip and quikdraw now a new unique perk called Marksman: aiming down sights for a time decreases flinch (30%) and increases damage (20%) until you no longer aiming down sight. With these changes these three weapons will se dramatically increased use especially Queenbreaker. Now we are keeping our eye on these 3 incase they are to weak or to powerful balance is a fine line. Next up bug fixes rift has had a rocky launch and we here at #bungie have been looking into the issues non stop we have addressed most of them in this patch. Spark disappearing, infinite transmat, and we have addressed some matching issues. Next minor changes. *Last Wish raid items now are exotic rarity (ghost, sparrow, ship). *rift respawn timer reduced to 7 seconds. *added new Tarrabah ornament (opulent theme) *anarchy damage fixed. What you guys and gals think? Love a wet Toaster....



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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