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5/31/2022 10:25:12 PM

Seeking EXTREMELY Active Clan

Right, so! I'm looking for the unicorn of all clans. I'm looking for a clan/group of clans that has round the clock Discord Voice activity. I'm talking, the most sociable and friendly people under the Traveler. I'm looking for a clan where I can log on and someone needs my help or someone can give me help depending on what I'm doing, but I want a clan where that's the norm all the time! I'm not looking for a clan that was dead and is just now restarting. I'm not looking for a clan that knocks out all of their engrams but never communicates between each other. I'm looking for a clan that has it ALL! A clan where I can raid when I want and never have an issue finding teammates. A clan where I can step up and help newer players and veterans tackle content. A clan where I can enjoy my Destiny experience with many, many other players like myself. Discord voice activity is the most important thing for me. Truly the most. I don't want to join a clan where nobody ever hangs out in voice channels. I'm 28 years old, mature and a Destiny veteran. I am in PST, and I play at random hours each day. I voice for literally everything I do in Destiny. Strike? Voice. Dares? Voice. Campaign? Voice (quietly). Raids, nightfalls, etc. All voice. I enjoy strictly PvE content! My Discord is Kazzy#1917. I'm open to friend requests there to chat and discuss your clan. Help me find the right place, where I can thrive. (Random Clan Invites Ignored)



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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