We have the PVE as a [i]self-contained part. [/i]
We have the PVP as a [i]self-contained part. [/i]
[b]How should New light Players be able to guess how they will become a legend?[/b] They could play PVP only or PVE only,....but honestly, don't both parts belong?; so Destiny 2 might end up "sparking" with a newbie player ?
You offer Gambit. You have succeeded in the golden ratio with this. Gambit is certainly also quite funny as a pastime; a real solution vulgo a bridge from PVE to PVP is not built. It's more of a one-dimensional compromise that is perceived more as an [i]independent[/i] mode, as PvPvE.
Or does Gambit really make me better at PvP? Does it also motivate me to want to [i]become[/i] better at PVP? I think not so much.
Staying in the safe haven of PVPvE after possibly negative experiences and not facing PVP at all can only be counterproductive for a gamer's development in the long run. The desire [b]to improve in PvP[/b] should be an integral part of a Destiny player.
Hence my suggestion:
Maybe tinker with a new PvP mode that is connected to a strand of story missions. In this braid, the player is led through the missions in the classic way, but he also plays in a PvP mode for a short time, either permanently or only as an event, in alternating sections built into the mission design. This mode could be a little more relaxed here and there, so as not to throw newbie players in at the deep end.
By doing away with the strict separation created by the decision question "PVE or PVP?" to an organic flowing together of both levels, Destiny will be perceived [i]as a unit[/i]. This would not only bring the PVP coms and the PVE coms closer together, but newbie players might also understand more easily or sooner that it is part of the natural development of a Destiny player to venture into the always strange waters of PVP.
[spoiler]Admittedly, this would not be a golden section, but at least it would be a silver river ..... [/spoiler]