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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
5/16/2022 8:06:31 PM

Idea: Location based mod system for Throne World weapons

I'm currently very happy with the Throne World weapons, the peculiar design is crazy funny, so it really suits my taste and I'm also eager to unlock all of them bit by bit - which I hope I'll still manage to do. Nevertheless, a little more reference to the throne world would be a touch more exciting and would somehow perhaps also take away the dreary genericity of the weapons. [b]Hence my suggestion: [/b] Why don't you combine the throne world weapons with the Veritas armour, which can also only be found there in the throne world? You could get a mod-technical advantage with the weapons, depending on how many specific pieces of armour you wear or have fed in via transmog. That's exactly how I imagine it, that when... •players equip a throne world weapon, for example a sniper, then one could determine in the lower right next to the mod section in the weapon detail view which armour mods are automatically equipped with my Veritas armour as soon as I equip this throne world sniper - a change of weapon would therefore have a direct effect on the mods of my armour. Cool, isn't it? •That is, if I'm wearing a Veritas Leg armor that currently has a mod in it that gives me an advantage with grenade launchers, that mod would be replaced with a sniper mod as soon as I put the Throneworld sniper in a weapon slot •The Veritas armour set and the Throneworld weapons would work together as teamworkers and it would have a real usecase then to fully grind both loot types This would have the immense advantage of not having to manually put mods into all my armour once I change my weapon loadout (e.g. change from shotty to pistol and scout rifle to hand cannon). I would then only have to equip one Throne World weapon and the Veritas armour would immediately know which mods I now need for it.



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