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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
4/27/2022 10:17:01 PM

Add Raid Momentos and make all momentos compatible with adept/timelost weapons

There are Momentos for Nightfalls, Gambit & Trials, we should have some for Raids also. The Idea is this: Create Momentos for each raid and make it so we could get them on completion &/or make them available to buy with Spoils of Conquest at the end of the raid. The Vault of Glass Momento could give a weapon the same color scheme as Atheon and the Vow of the Disciple Momento could give a Rhulk color scheme just for some examples. Also, Timelost/Adept weapons should have a socket to equip them with Momentos too. Those are my thoughts and my idea. Your thoughts?



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