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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
Elizabeth II (Timelost)により編集済み: 4/17/2022 6:17:57 AM

(Fanfic) Lightless | 1

Ras peeked around a corner. He first saw the colossal spider-like Revenant Mind, then the shattered shell of Atlanta, the remnants of wispy light strangled out by the dark aura of the Hezen Lord. A Minotaur almost rushed him, but Mace got it in time with a shot from his Plemusa-B. When they began to run back to Archer’s barricade, the true scale of the Vex horde hit them. Ras yelled over the cacophony of Vex weapons “It’s too powerful, we need to get out of the network!” The others nodded in agreement and ran to the gate as Ras felt a searing burn in his chest, and then nothing. The smell of ozone overwhelmed him as he blacked out, not dead but certainly nowhere near alive.



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