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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
4/4/2022 6:39:23 PM

Trials: Titan Overshields | 3x Resist Dusks | Sunspots

Surely i’m not the only one who thinks the following is ruining the crucible/Trials? • Exotic head (Titan) Sunspots • Void Titan over shield barricades. • 3x resists dusk field grenades • Bubble in capture point trials The vow, Le Monarch are able to 1 shot with the sunspot buff. Titan over shields are constant with the correct build and when in multiples is very oppressive. 3x resist hunter dusk fields with the correct build can be recharged after ~10 seconds. Bubbles can be places from the moment the flag starts in trials. Counters are slower cooldowns so (most) of the time its a round win. Also comes with OS titan barricades. I play PvP a lot, too much! It’s fun, something to get away from real life and chill with friends. Right now though its beyond a joke! I remember a interview with the PvP sandbox dev’s and their goal was to reduce ability spam in the crucible and focus more on gunplay. The current sandbox is far from it! Crucible should be a fun experience and it still is but in trials these ability’s are far too strong especially when there is 2,3 people doing it. Gun skill has no part to play when you cant even snipe a guy in the head and achieve a kill as he is in a dusk. Please, if I’m the only one who thinks these are OP then tell me to play another game 😂



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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