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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
3/17/2022 9:48:42 PM

Multiple Copies of a Crafted Weapon

Hi Bungie Community, Something I haven't seen discussed on reddit or mentioned by any of the big streamers is crafting multiples of the same weapon. As a for instance, say I want to craft two copies of Likely Suspect, one for PVE and one for PVP, and I want both of them to be crafted with enhanced traits. Does this mean I need to level two crafted copies of Likely Suspect up to Level 20? Reason I'm asking is that I'm a casual player and still working on leveling my first copy of Likely Suspect to lvl 20, so haven't figured this out just yet. I respect that these weapons are endgame pursuits, which is why it takes so long to level a weapon. Just want to know this so I can plan ahead. ie, if I have to level a 2nd copy to level 20, I would instead choose to keep an eye out for a near god roll, random roll to drop and just use that instead of leveling a 2nd copy. At that point I don't think it would be worth the time investment for a 2nd copy. Regards, Joddart



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