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2/25/2022 11:17:03 PM

atraks-1 raid boss health bugged. blueberries gonna get a trauma.

lucky i had a team for long play but, here are the issues: loadout: lament, lucent blade, void soul debuff. issue: atraks-1 at each damage phase took little to absolutely no damage beyond the glowing bar to stun. took 4 full damage phase + several lucky atraks kill on last stand. lucky to get on second try with good team. on wipe screen i did 500k damage/dps phase math: 4*500=2000k + 6*250k damage/last stand atraks kill(2+1 nova bomb) atraks-1 total health bar:::: 13.2+ MILLION damage needed for this boss with lament. haven't tested other weapons, also nova bomb seemed to do more damage at least.



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