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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
Solhawkにより編集済み: 2/16/2022 3:22:45 AM

Crucible Pinnacle Activity and Where Survival Fits In

I think for Survival and the whole Glory Rank process, [b]loss penalties should be removed[/b]. I never get past Fabled. I know, "Get Gud". Well that's not gonna happen, but I would still like the [i]chance [/i] to get to Legend. Allow me to make progress even though I keep getting stomped. Every now and then, when I get a win, let me keep it. I am pretty determined and will most likely grind it out. Let me become Legend. Let me complete those Triumphs where Legend is required. Let me [u]finally[/u] get the catalyst for Mida. Survival is no longer the "real" Crucible pinnacle activity, Trials is. Survival does not need to have this penalty any longer. Cheers!



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