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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
1/19/2022 7:50:55 PM

A Suggestion for Daily "Activities" in D2

So I'm writing this on a Wednesday and it brings up a weird feeling for me cause today as far as i know is kinda boring in the schedule for D2. (i thin banshee rotates weapons today? that's kinda it until Friday) i had an idea though, for every day to be unique in D2 and to include a tiny bit of hand holding in that re-guard. lets look at Thursday as an example: its TWAB day! woot woot that's so great but... how does it effect the game? well it doesn't really, i mean of course it highlights changes and things but if you don't read it you don't benefit from that. (and oh boy could we use some more informed Blueberries) So i was thinking like how the game gives us a "next week in Destiny 2" we could get a pop up on log in telling us HEY go read the TWAB its a bunch of info you might like. Now Vets like me wont really care but if you add a little code for free bright dust (like 100u nothing big) it would encourage new and old players to at the very least scroll down to the bottom and redeem it on the bungie sight for in game rewards :D (again an IN GAME pop up should be added so newer players are guided by YOU as a developer, come on you love us right? so throw us a bone and hold our hand its a T rated game some hand-holding isn't gonna hurt) something like this could be done with every day of the week: A pop up for Xur on Friday, telling new players hes here and reminding them weekly in case they forget. (much like most of my veteran friends who i have to remind weekly that he sells a random engram, cypher, and legendary gear now) you put the work into making him worth something, so why not promote it instead of forcing me to get my news from YouTubers, something new lights aren't really pushed to do either. Maybe introducing Arms day on Wednesday like in D1, and adding a pop up for banshee's new stock. you may have something planned in later seasons with this but i don't know that yet, and while it may sound annoying to some, we already get them and it will add polish. (could also add an option to block pop ups in the settings menu, tell us in the twab we all now will read, and POW! annoyance solved) Tuesday is reset so that's covered, same goes for Weekend Events like trials etc. but it would be nice for you to blatantly encourage the seeking of Xur and to add neat little things to do casually throughout the week for new players to be enticed by, and veterans to be rewarded with. Monday (and to a degree Sunday) are the beginning of most work Schedules and the catch up day so they can be blank. this will allow people to get the "arms day" package and Xur's stuff before Tuesday, all of which should be able to be done by passively playing the game and shooting stuff so its not overwhelming players who don't have a surplus of time.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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