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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
12/10/2021 3:49:21 PM

Could we get the option to use centered reticle on console?

Not sure if this is a highly requested featured or not, but I had to get it out of my chest:[b] I don't like the "console reticle" at all[/b]. I wish there was an option to simply change, as we have on PC already. The low FOV on console also bothers me, but I understand that's already available on current-gen consoles as of right now because increasing the FOV may impact performance. I'm playing on Xbox One S, so I understand why that feature isn't there and I honestly got used to it. All good. [b]But can I just move my crosshair to the middle of the screen?[/b] That can't be too much to ask, surely? It just feels really weird to me, I hate how it feels like I'm aiming to the sky all the time and it really throws me off. I find myself aiming at the floor most of the time to make up for it and it doesn't feel natural. Anyone also feel that way? [i]LESS IMPORTANT BUT STILL IN-TOPIC: As a side note, I would love an option to tweak or disable auto-aim (I'm talking about the aim magnetism specifically, not the actual in-game weapon stats). This is a more controversial topic and I understand why Bungie wouldn't want to do it, but... man, I really hate when I'm ADS'ing during a Nightfall at a champion and my aim is completely pulled out of target because some random enemy ran past my crosshair or dropped or a ledge or something. It's less frequent in PvP, but it has also happened where I lose gun fights because my reticle "attaches" to the wrong enemy. I know this would make the game harder, but I hate the feeling of losing control of my aim, especially when I die because of it x)[/i]



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