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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
Yavna on 512により編集済み: 11/25/2021 1:24:59 PM

Proposal for a new PvPvE mode called Gambit Crimson

To coincide with the pre-release phase of "The Witch Queen" DLC, it gives me extraordinary pleasure to introduce the concept for a new and action-packed PvPvE mode! It's called GAMBIT CRIMSON!!! In Gambit Crimson, two teams of two compete against each other on Gambit maps. The goal is to defeat the Echo of the Witch Queen. This is located in another dimension. If you or your team partner dies in this dimension, the echo gets a healing boost. To prevent this from happening so often, allied Ads come to the rescue; but first these Ads have to make it into the enemy's bank to be teleported to you in the other dimension. Of course, the enemy team tries to prevent this by shooting down the allied Ads. Each team has to protect 2 banks and try to shoot the enemy team at the same time. However, this should be well thought out, because if an opponent dies, his team mate gets a red Crimson aura that gives him bonus damage and extra shield. All players are teleported from the gambit map to the other dimension simultaneously at certain intervals. Then each team of 2 tries to defeat their Echo of the Witch Queen (the opposing team can't interfere as they are busy with their echo) while getting support from any allied ads that made it into the opposing bank. So 4 hordes of Ads spawn on the Gambit map and move towards the respective bank. Hordes of allied Ads are always immune. The more allied Ads are ported into the other dimension, the more support a team has in the fight against the Echo of the Witch Queen. Whoever defeats his Echo first wins the match. Appendix (1 image)



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