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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
Gianlubiscottoにより編集済み: 10/19/2021 4:56:40 PM

Flawless pool will kill trials again

Why did trials need a revamp before season of the lost? Because there were few people playing the playlist. Why didn't people play trials? Because most of the time you got unbalanced matches. I don't know ecxately what the revamp changed, but week 1 of season of the lost, thanks to crossplay, made everyone change idea. Now, speaking for me, an average/good player I think this flawless pool will again reduce the amount of people playing trials. For my experience, once you get to the lighthouse once, there's no point in playing anymore since the situation is the same as before this season. I wanted to help some friends playing with them but we ended up playing alone without me just because it's impossibile to play against someone so sweat. All the players i faced against were top 0.4% or less, with 400+ flawless. My elo went down from 2k to 1.6k in a single day. There's no point in keeping play if your win ratio will become 10% after entering in the flawless pool, and people will understand this soon after getting more and more frustrated. Trials will become a playlist in which you go flawless once and then "we will see next week". Don't you think first week of revamped trials was better? Hope we can discuss instead of getting trivial answers like "get good" GGs



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