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9/13/2021 5:10:58 PM

Legacy: Challenger's Proving - Step 2 of 11

Hello Folks, I'm stuck at the quest "Legacy: Challenger's Proving - Step 2 of 11" Quest says: The Umbral Decoder and Prismatic Recaster have been appropriated by the Vanguard and relocated to the H.E.L.M. Visit the Umbral Decoder to obtain the "Decrypting the Darkness" quest and then complete it. This is my first characeter, i have never played destiny 2 before, i started about 4 days ago. I've googled for similar reports for more than a day already, one said you need to do a quest on europa, which i've done. But it still does not work. I've already decoded like 10+ Umbral Engrams without success of receiving the next step or rather "decrypting the darkness" quest. Is there a workaround? I've also added a streamable link to cover explained. Any help is appreciated.



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