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9/8/2021 8:41:07 AM

Cross Play Questions

Two issues that my friend and I have been having since cross play launched. 1). I haven’t been able to see my friend online in game. We both talk in psn private chat and he says he’s online. On my Roster friend’s list it shows him as “online” but not in destiny. He’s changed his privacy setting a few times to see if that would work and nothing has so far. Whenever I ask our mutual friends they say the same thing about him in particular. I’ve also tried multiple times to delete and re add him on both psn and bungie friend list. Any tips? 2). The same friend doesn’t have access to destiny 2 in game chat. I know the feature was just rereleased with cross play but he doesn’t have the mic icon near his name. Any way to fix that for him? I have a feeling most of this is just bugs from cross play since that’s when both of these issues started, but I was wondering if there was away around either of these issues.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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