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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
pale(rider)により編集済み: 9/7/2021 12:05:27 AM

Lorentz on console feels very inaccurate.

Recoil seems unpredictable and I feel like when I line up a headshot I can end up shooting somewhere random above the enemies head. Also when going for a body shot I end up hitting them in the crotch or leg as opposed to the gut. I was testing while in the shattered realm to complete the challenge going back and forth from my chroma rush and gridskipper which almost never move in an unexpected way. It may need some tuning on the console side anyone else experiencing this on console? Also fyi I was using it without the catalyst and have zero connection latency. More testing: aiming down sights it has the sway akin to a sniper this is where all my inaccuracies are coming from. Firing from the hip I hit everything but the zoom aim down sights kills the gun. Recoil makes the second shot guaranteed to miss a moving target please consider adjustments.



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