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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
8/27/2021 1:56:40 PM

Bungie, any chance of a Raid Finder/Dungeon Finder/LFG system build in-game in the future?

I was extremely excited about the news of the upcoming expansion and with everything new that's going to happen. I was really excited to play again. But what made me quit the game a few years ago was the difficulty in finding groups and participating in the endgame content/grind. A little context: none of my friends play, so I am highly dependent on a clan, besides that I really like the story and lore and always wanted to do some of the old raids, to get to know them, since I never did, but I never could because I never found a group willing to do it (and also to take a newbie). Besides that, with some anxieties and some social blocks, I find the current way we have to find a group extremely hard. You have to look on the app, you have to look on different websites, discord (a bunch of groups), talk and spam messages, hope to find people, add on steam... There are too many steps outside the game that are necessary to consume in-game content. I used to spend more time on other apps and websites than playing the game itself, just looking for groups, and there came a time after consuming just the campaign contents when I was burnout by this and the game was no longer fun for me. Is there any chance in the future to have an in-game lfg system? Like the systems in WoW and FFXIV? Like a system where I just mark my class, raids and dungeons I'd like to go to, if I have active mic or not, and the game builds the group and sends you there, weekly extra rewards for entering on random groups, etc etc. Are there plans for this? Very thanks in advance.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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