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8/7/2021 8:32:16 PM

(Xbox) Renegades UK is Recruiting! (Adult UK based clan)

Renegades UK is a new Destiny 2 Xbox Clan! We are a community of adult gamers who have found friendship through our love of Destiny and many other games. Our ethos is basically that real life comes first. We all have our commitments with being parents or working full time jobs with sometimes unpredictable hours. We are all very laid-back and enjoy having a laugh with each other. That being said, we also love getting stuff done when it comes to end game content! Everyone is welcome and we always strive to be as inclusive as possible. So if you're 21 or older and are finding yourself wandering the wilderness of the EDZ alone, or fighting your way through the freezing wastelands of Europa and wishing you had someone to kick some ass with, then send us a message and we'll be delighted to have you onboard! You can join our Discord and send us a clan request through our website - Hopefully see you soon!



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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