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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
6/25/2021 7:59:14 AM

My concerns with the story





Pretty button


(THIS THREAD WILL BE MY OPINION AND WILL HAVE SPOILERS) For those that wish for the shorter version: Thanks to destiny becoming seasonal content, the story of the game has been so dragged around in the mud that since people cant go back and see how saint returned, how characters acted, hell even the reason why the crow is who he is since that content is flagged as, "sunset". I fear as the game goes on, this will cause many players that didn't start at the beginning to lose track if they have to step away a season or 2. Or simply gain knowledge of the lore to only have it retain no use for later seasons. Or simply ask questions like why is the city destroyed, to only be told that its old content that they will never experience How much lore/events have been background erased that old players cant follow the attitudes of characters new players are introduced to? (Prime example: Osiris and his dead ghost=Infinite forest dlc) My opinion and spoilers beyond * * * * * Hopefully that is far enough, the story of destiny 2 is so far gone that the sunetting of the red war is honestly not the worst part about it, but still plays a major role. D1, had a form of consistence that we started on earth and once we gained enough power to take down the heart, we were strong enough to fight crota, which pulled the reefs eye upon us and had us hunting traitorous fallen, before the taken king barged down our door and demanded revenge for his lost son, to then have the remnants of the fallen that we slaughtered on earth, unleash a new power upon their forces and become a terror that was last seen by the iron lords. Though only some of these events worked into eachother, people could still walk those paths and learn who crota was, who the taken king is, what happened to characters in the world and why certain things are different. But with destiny 2 how it is, people who are just hopping into the world, might be turned away by the utmost confusion of certain things, or even, if someone in the tower asks "Why is the city destroyed?" what would be a fellow players response, to tell them its old content and you will never see it again, to tell them what happened to only have them want to play it and cant. When new players try to go to the moon and do nightmare hunts, most of their opponents are sunset content that they will ask who they are and where to find them, but be told that it doesnt matter, stay current. Take saint 14 and osiris, anyone from the start know what we did to bring them back to the tower, now new players are looking at them like any other person, not knowing of how instrumental they are to the lore of the world besides being a man who runs pvp, and a creepy guy in the shadows watching people. Why do people hate the crow so much when the Y1 people watched the body fall and knew exactly what they did. Why is there a chicken in the tower, where is the hunter vanguard, why are the other 2 many questions that players will have to sacrifice their time in leveling for new content, to run through missions that will give them terrible gear, and exotics that only some will matter in the long run. Eventually, based on the leaks and trailers we have seen, eventually that content will simply disappear to into that vault of bungie and players will have their questions unanswered like who is ghaul, etc, etc Then comes the current content and why this post came to light. From a Y1 players standpoint, the dialogue changes are obvious, in which the way a certain warlock speaks that brings to light the lore books we are given. But my concern is, why isn't my player reacting to this, I walked with him through time, I saved the man he had been desperately trying to do for years, I pulled him from the grasp of Panoptes when his ghost took over my own. I watched his ghost die in my hands and yet with a simple device, bring it back with ease, Yet the way they speak now brings even a question to my mind. "Was the lore of the infinite forest, simply, written out?, did they make all I did before be nothing so this being can speak as if the vex were new to him, I heard him speak of simulating Oryx and the taken realm and heard that what we did back in d1, was the only way to stop the taken king?" How much lore was lost for the sake of seasonal content, how much have I done for the game that the game itself forgets. I might have the armor, the weapons, the titles that how that I stood before others did, but is the lore of the game, simply erasing it all. Most players only heard of the destiny vault and lost content but have not seen the planets disappear, have no understood the amount of lore that was erased and now ignored. So what's the point in learning the lore now, when in a year or so, what we heard today will have no impact on the next story. Why did we fight through the shore to avenge our friend when new players may never know his name. Why did we go though quest after quest to only have a new player simply go to those places with no restriction at all. (Tangled shore, dreaming city, moon) It just concerns me that the knowledge I know of this world/game, will never have use besides seeing how a story will play out long before and just grinding to the finish line like everyone else. Or the the point that the game becomes so handily given, that older players will feel like what we did, meant nothing, when a new player simply goes into content we spent hours of our lives to get done



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • I agree and disagree I agree that with the removal of old content like campaigns, seasons, and story missions etc it makes it hard for any new player to fully catch up However what these last two seasons have show is is that a prolonged story, while a bit annoying to wait through, genuinely has merit. The writing for chosen and splicer have been the best we've seen in the franchise, and if you play through the whole campaign in one go it genuinely feels like a full story but with lackluster missions Tldr: the removal of story was a bad idea, but the new seasonal story structure (while dragged out) is the best we've had for season's yet



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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