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5/18/2021 10:52:07 PM

I need help! Please read

Please, if you have a moment, give my little sob story a read... So I’m an avid Destiny 2 player. I’ve played the game pretty much since launch and I’ve played my first share of d1 on top of that. What’s the more time in destiny was spent within the Crucible and this was all fine until a certain incident. Around mid-way through season of arrivals my account was restricted from playing any PVP activities. Of course this was incredibly upsetting due to the fact I loved my time in the Crucible. But more than upsetting it was confusing, I only thought this kind of thing happened to cheaters or hackers. Not me? Later to find out that an “unstable Internet connection” is a bannable offence within the Crucible. of course been devastated to hear this I did my extensive research on how to improve my connection. Investing in an ethernet cable connecting to my Xbox (I’m an Xbox one player by the way) and even buying a whole new router. Being my first restriction I was only out of the crucible for two weeks so I didn’t feel too bad. Later on in the year going into beyond light and season of the hunt I re-received a restriction this next restriction lasted two months but more shocking than the length of the restriction what’s the reason. I spent so much time and money trying to get a better connection so I’m able to play Crucible again but I still get banned anyway? So of course I spent a little bit more time checking my Wi-Fi to make sure everything was okay, because clearly it’s not. But I feel like the problem is really out of my reach now. The reason for me writing this is a cry for help. As a player that truly hasn’t done anything wrong other than having a potentially bad Internet connection that can affect other players I feel as if I’m missing out on a vital and incredibly enjoyable part of the game. Alongside this I’m missing out on my pinnacles and certain quest steps that I just simply can’t complete. Currently my account is on restricted my restriction ended a couple months ago and I decided to take a season out because of my frustration with the matter. But now I’m getting back into the game and my intentions are to fully play the game again, enjoyably. Out of fear I don’t want to step foot back into the Crucible for I may get banned again. Just a couple details that might be helpful. A few of my connection stats currently and at the time of getting banned are as follows: Download: >47mbps Upload: >9mbps Ping: 8ms Packet loss: 0% Jitter: 1.2ms I live in London, England so If server may be a cause let me know. Apologies for how long this has been. I’ve been meaning to post this for a while. If you’re seeing this I appreciate any help you can offer, hopefully someone at bungie sees this and can give me a definitive answer and maybe some hope for the future. If you have any questions, ask away! Eyes up guardians, Jake :)



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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