Eh, i didn't find that religion/politics offered much constructive to the forum. Most of those topics was just party shit-flinging at each other and 13-year-olds "owning" other users by hurling out insults. Sure, it drove away a lot of prelavent users, but most of those guys were here strictly for religion and politics anyway. Now, i think that it's important for people to discuss their political and religious beliefs, but OT has never struck me as the appropriate sute for that. Offtopic is more of a place to hang out with some gamers, make some online friends, and occassionally vent about frustrating things in life that you can't talk about publicly. The average user age is like 15, so you already know half the comments are going to be half-assed, ignorant arguments that are really just regurgitations of discussions their parents had when they thought their kid wasn't listening. And honestly, it's just really easy to get sucked in and start yelling at other people over the internet; i know because i was one of those 15 year old kids. I think OT is better without all the extra salt.