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WoopThatTrickにより編集済み: 4/17/2021 9:38:30 PM
I went from a custom built i7-6700k + GTX1080 getting a stable 90-140ish FPS with High/Medium settings on 1440p to a pathetic 35-80ish FPS on a brand new Alienware R12 i7-11700F + RTX3080 with the same exact settings. I've tried all of the suggestions, reloaded Windows from scratch, tried the latest driver, tried the driver it came with, tried a slightly older driver, scoured the Internet for any other possible suggestions, etc. The worst part of this is that I can set the resolution to 720p and it still runs like crap around the same FPS. I've been building computers for 30 years and working professional in IT for 20 so I don't think it's my technical or troubleshooting abilities but who knows. You would assume that you upgrade and purchase a brand new expensive computer, you might get at the very least get minimal improvements but NOT a downgrade in performance. What in the gods is going on Bungie??? Consider me a newer Guardian who absolutely loves this game and have poured in hundred of real money (silver) in short time in support of the game now another pissed off customer. edit: spelling



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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