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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
ZayOsiris Gamingにより編集済み: 4/3/2021 2:19:08 AM

♦️:: Warlock Siva Subclass ::♦️

( [i]Previous artwork Illustration Removed, By Author Request. Artwork by [url=]PedanticAuspice[/url].[/i] ) ( [i]This Concept Is Still In Development. Feel free to make suggestions, & follow along and check back for updates.[/i] ) [b][u]ABILITIES[/u][/b] [b][u]Rift[/u][/b]: | Healing Rift | Empowering Rift | [b][u]Jumps[/u][/b]: | Burst | Strafe | Blink | [b][u]MELEE ABILITY[/u][/b] [b][u]Nano Lance[/u][/b]:♦️ • Throw a Siva Infected Lance that detonates on impact, & creates a mini field of 5 nanites that attach to nearby targets. Direct hits Siphon 1.5/10s of an opponents ability energy. (Melee/Grenade/Super) [b][u]GRENADE ABILITIES[/u][/b] | Swarm | Surge | Parasite | [u][b]Swarm[/b][/u]:♦️ • Throwing this grenade creates a swarm of 10 tracking siva nanites, that click onto nearby targets. Weapon damage increases based on the number of siva nanites attached to the target. [u][b]Surge[/b][/u]:♦️ • Create a Siva Energy Field that that disrupts the enemies flow of damage while caught within the field, by 50%. Enemies will also slowly sustain nanite stacks, the longer they remain within the field. killing opponents inside this field, spawn 6 tracking nanites. [u][b]Parasite[/b][/u]:♦️ • Throw an insectoid creature, infected with Siva Nanites that will moderately track down a nearby target. The insect will attach, detonate, & infect the opponent with 7 stacks of Siva nanites. [b][u]SUPER[/u][/b] [u][b]Plague Bringer[/b][/u]:♦️ • Engulf yourself in a swarm of Siva nanites that track down, & Feed upon all nearby targets. Roam around the area to defeat Enemies & create more nanites. Send out mini Tracking Siva Swarms to target enemies, that Detonate on impact against surfaces. Defeating enemies with swarm creates more nanites at their location. [u][b]HOW DO NANITES WORK?[/b][/u] [u][b]General Design, applicable to all classes[/b][/u]:♦️ • Nanites act as an Autonomous swarm of Siva tech, capable of attaching itself onto targets, & disrupting their defensive capabilities. [u]Warlocks[/u] prioritize attaching nanites & causing them to spontaneously combust, when a target has 10 or more nanites attached to them. Doing so will create more nanites, thus creating more combustion’s. [u][b]HOW DO SIVA DIAMONDS WORK?[/b][/u] [u][b]General Design, applicable to all classes[/b][/u]:♦️ • Siva Diamonds act as a separate ability in conjunction with Siva Nanites. They’re large Diamond shaped crystals, capable of Emitting EMP blasts, & siphoning enemies of their ability energy - when caught within their radius. They pulsate & cover a wide range of 20 meters in PVE/Gambit, & 11 meters in PvP. Anything caught within the pulse will be subject to various status effects. Enemies killed while affected by these statues affects will spawn nanites. [b][u]FRAGMENTS[/u][/b] :: [i]Can only hold 2-3 at a time[/i] :: [b][u]Song of Combustion[/u][/b]:♦️ • Temporarily boost your grenade recharge rate, based on the number of nanites attached to targets. • -10 Discipline [b][u]Song of Absorption[/u][/b]:♦️ • Increase Nanite Siphon rate by 30% [b][u]Song of Harmony[/u][/b]:♦️ • Defeating combatants with nanites attached grant you class ability energy. [b][u]Song of Terror[/u][/b]:♦️ • Nanites gain increased tracking, attach onto targets longer, & deal more damage; while your super is full. • +10 Intellect [b][u]Song of Justice[/u][/b]:♦️ • Defeating targets while under the effects of siphon or disrupt greatly increase Mobility for 10 seconds. • +10 Mobility [b][u]Song of Battle[/u][/b]:♦️ • defeating a target with 10 nanites attached will auto reloads all your weapons, for 4 seconds. [b][u]Song of Symbiosis[/u][/b]:♦️ • Gain increased melee ability regeneration, While near Siva Diamonds. Melee kills while near Siva diamonds refund a large portion of melee energy. • -10 Strength [b][u]ASPECTS[/u][/b] :: [i]Can only hold 1-2 at a time[/i] :: [b][u]Siva Disruption[/u][/b]:♦️ • Charge your grenade ability to throw a Siva Diamond onto the field. PVE Combatants that come near this Diamond become [u]Weakened[/u] & [u]Disoriented[/u]. PvP Guardians will have their [u]Radar Disrupted[/u] & [u]Ability Regeneration Siphoned[/u], the longer they stand near the Diamond. The Diamond will last for 15 seconds on the field, or until destroyed. [b][u]Siva Leech[/u][/b]:♦️ • Casting your Rift will lay down a proximity detonating Siva Crystal. Enemies effected by the detonation become Disoriented, & weakened for a short time. (Roughly 5 seconds) [b][u]Siva Synthesis[/u][/b]:♦️ • While in your Rift; your health regenerates 15% faster, & you become impervious to all negative statues effects such as; Burns | Slows | Disruption | Poisons | Concession | Smoke | Blind | Siphon | Freeze | :: Check out the Arc Subclass Rework [url=]Here[/url] :: :: Check out the Solar Subclass Rework [url=]Here[/url] :: :: Check out the Void Subclass Rework [url=]Here[/url] :: :: Check out the Ice Breaker Rework [url=]Here[/url] ::



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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