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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
3/13/2021 9:51:30 AM

Three main issues with Gambit right now

And no, I'm not talking about the Bottom Dollar drop chance. [b]1- Teleporting Enemies & Bank Lagging[/b] While in other Activities having enemies teleporting here and there is not such a problem [i](as annoying as it is)[/i], in Gambit it rappresents a big issue. In a mode where being fast to clean adds has a major role, having enemies popping here and there, teleporting, not registering damage after using precious Special Ammo on them [i](or even Heavy or Super)[/i] or having death animation delayed, is a main problem. Not to mention when you suddenly find yourself sorrounded by enemies popping out from nowhere with the risk to die and lose Motes... Also, with the "enemies teleporting" problem another one is appeared out of nowhere: the Bank is terribly laggy. Sometimes you can't bank, sometimes you kill the Blockers and the Bank needs a couple of second to pop out, sometimes you bank Motes in the exsact moment opponents summon a blocker and even if you complete you bank animation you simply lose your Motes. [b]2- Motes that can't be picked...[/b] I remember that Bungie talked about this in the past about WHY Motes seem to have a weird kinda of physics and why it seems that we can't pick them immediately. This must end. This not only create problems for those who are trying to collect Motes, but also problem of coordination among the teams during the clean/collection phase. It's absurd to see my character standing upong 5 Motes for 3-4 seconds BEFORE they get picked up. [b]3- Boss Melting[/b] After years of Gambit it's kinda silly to see that this is still a problem. Opponet Team Summons the Primevil and ten seconds after it is already dead... ten seconds. TEN. SECONDS. This is being a problem since the first days of Gambit and still we don't have a solution. Boss Melting MUST be stopped somehow.



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