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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
3/8/2021 4:58:55 PM

Let's talk about Voidwalker grenades

Destiny 2 is going on 4 years old now and I've loved every moment of this franchise since the moment I booted up the D1 Beta. The intricacies of each subclass and the little differences and directions you could take them in really resonated with me, and none did more than the Voidwalker. Voidwalkers have always had the same 3 grenade options: Axion Bolts to seek out targets and hunt them down relentlessly till they get their damage, Vortex grenades for sustained damage and blocking off key doorways and choke points, and Scatter for throwing at an enemies feet and watching the fireworks happen. But that was in D1. Things have been different in D2. While us Voidwalkers still have all the same grenade options as before, things feel.... Different. Axion Bolts rarely find their mark, Scatter grenades seem to be little more than minor annoyances, ticking opposing guardians for little amounts of damage (assuming they detonate at all). Vortex grenades are the only viable option left, and not due to them overshadowing the other two, Vortex grenades seem perfectly balanced, functioning in their roles and doing their jobs. I think it's time for Axion and Scatter to do theirs as well. Not once in the past 3 years have I ever thought to myself "Maybe Scatter grenades would do better for this" or "Axion Bolts would be great for this build." In the recent State of the Game, Bungie has made a commitment to target light based subclasses with key buffs. I think this is the perfect time to revamp our void-walking, explosive-throwing abilities and bring them up to the levels of other great grenade options (or even just usable). I'm far from a game designer, but personally, I'd love to see a speed increase on Axion Bolts; between Hunters jumping all over the arena like they always do, Stasis titans sliding and dodging with Shiver Strike and their new frosty kneepads, and solar Warlocks seemingly able to reach mach 10 in half a second with Icarus Dash, Axion Bolts need to be able to keep up with their targets. Scatter grenades feel like mildly irritating gnats, sometimes hitting for laughably small amounts of damage assuming they even find their mark. Here i'd like to see an increase in damage per explosion of them, as well as have them seek their close-by targets, sort of give them Nothing Manacles as an intrinsic perk (Nothing Manacles being a D1 exotic that allowed Scatter grenades to track onto targets). Currently, those are my thoughts and wishes for these current parts of our Voidwalker subclass, I hope people take the time to read through this and leave their feedback! I'd love to see other people's thoughts on how these abilities could be buffed or revamped!



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