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celacovsciにより編集済み: 2/19/2021 10:14:16 PM

Something in the Dark (Prologue & RP)

[i][b]Acryllis, Sol[/i][/b] [i]Nova cranks the bolt into the metal ring before pausing to wipe the sweat off of her face. She sets the wrench down and begins climbing out of the cave.[/i] Acrium: You know, it might be a bad idea to go through. Nova: I beg your pardon? Acrium: You have no idea where that thing will take you or if there's a way to get back. Nova: Oh, but that's the fun in adventure. Plus, I could use some time away from the city. Acrium: Please, listen to me. I care for your safety, especially after the Whirlwind. I don't want to see you like that again. Nova: I can handle myself, okay? I'd rather explore and learn than stay in the same place with no change at all. Acrium: Just please be careful, I mean it. Nova: Don't worry, I will. Do me a favor and watch over the city, have a celebration if you want. I think it's the city's anniversary anyway. [i]With a newfound thirst for adventure, she grabs her trusty rifle and armor. Discover a world of myth and legend, and conquer the countless dungeons and labyrinths in a new realm filled with treasure.[/i] [spoiler]Note: This is going to be longest RP by far, so keep that in mind. There are multiple "paths" you can go down by making certain decisions.[/spoiler] [spoiler]might be a bit, have a meeting[/spoiler]



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