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2/17/2021 4:54:55 AM

Season of the Chosen progress and Hammer of Proving vanished

The game tells me I need to make progress in the new Season-of-the-Chosen-quest (A Challenger's Proving) before doing battlefield-strikes - while at the same times the inspector on the map tells me truthfully that I already did do two battlefield strikes, as the screenshot I provided shows: (in german, but You will recognize it of course). When I want to do a battlefield strike, the game tells me to purchase a season pass. The progress bar that says I did the battlefield twice is now back to zero, due to the weekly reset the other day. But the problem remains. I also cannot join battlefield from the Europa map. At the quest kiosk there is no sign of any quest in the Chosen-Season. I did finish the quest, and in the battlefield against the Golem I crashed the chest with the hammer of proving. The hammer is gone now, too. I am stuck, cannot do anything in Season of the Chosen. At the War Table, I also have no options. This must be some programming glitch, right? Xbox Series S, Game Pass



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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