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celacovsciにより編集済み: 2/9/2021 8:41:17 PM

Krampus March (RP)

[b]Krampus March (RP)[/b] [i]5 years after the events at the Stronghold, you've heard about multiple bounties placed on unknown entities. Slay your quarry, and reap the rewards.[/i] [i]Objectives: Slay Uran, Disciple of Voakos:✅ Slay Suker, The Gifted:⚠️ Slay Numerok, Familiar of Remor:✅ Slay Vaysi, The Harbinger:✅ Spare Xirsot, Dark Champion:✅ Slay Amburra, The Corrupted:✅ Additional Objectives: Set Uran's fleet to self destruct:✅ Destroy Xirsot's lab:✅ Close the rift in space:[/i]✅ Legend: ✅=Completed ⚠️=Unattempted [spoiler]Note: You can do multiple objectives if you want, just start a new chain of replies. This is a just a quick little "choose your own adventure" style thing, so it's something to do before I post my next piece of writing which I've been working on for a while.[/spoiler] [spoiler]no killing :)[/spoiler] [spoiler]seriously, i still haven't forgiven myself for that also I apologize for this being late, because of recent events.[/spoiler]



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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