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オリジナルの投稿元: so basically the fallen
1/29/2021 4:44:42 PM
[quote]so a long long time ago in a galaxy far away[/quote][i]*whispers*[/i] I know you did it for the sake of the Star Wars meme, but they’re from our galaxy. [quote]one day a big white ball appeared in the sky said "h e l o" and gave them limitless drugs to stay alive.[/quote]HAHAHAHAHA [quote]the house devils take a bunch of drugs and attach computers to themselves[/quote]Um [i]*tsk*[/i] AC-TUALLY, it was a religious cult [i]inside[/i] the nerd club [i]inside[/i] the House of Devils. And they attached computers to themselves so that they wouldn’t need drugs. Lmao [quote]after the fallen houses collapse then join together so they could be stronger, but are accidently weaker.[/quote]HA, sad but true [quote]and then planted mind control into the mind of superskybro[/quote]I can confirm that this is 100% real Destiny lore [spoiler]Awesome lore post, I look forward to more[/spoiler]



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