THE WILD STALLION—exotic perk- RIDE LIKE THE WIND- hold reload to consume all shots in the magazine loading them into one high powered shot that match’s elements to shielded combatants and does extra damage to un-shielded combatants
exotic trait- RIDE LIKE THE WIND- kills with this weapon stack Saddle charges, holding reload buffs movement speed depending on how many stacks of saddle charges you have, the effect last until the high powered shot is fired saddle charges stack too 10
Magazine Size— 10
Rounds Per Minute— 60
Movement Speed is buffed 4% for each stack
Thanks for reading i have been thinking about this for a couple days now and thought this was a cool idea hopefully someone at bungie sees this I would love to see their reaction!
[quote]THE WILD STALLION—exotic perk- RIDE LIKE THE WIND- hold reload to consume all shots in the magazine loading them into one high powered shot that match’s elements to shielded combatants and does extra damage to un-shielded combatants
exotic trait- RIDE LIKE THE WIND- kills with this weapon stack Saddle charges, holding reload buffs movement speed depending on how many stacks of saddle charges you have, the effect last until the high powered shot is fired saddle charges stack too 10
Magazine Size— 10
Rounds Per Minute— 60
Movement Speed is buffed 4% for each stack
Thanks for reading i have been thinking about this for a couple days now and thought this was a cool idea hopefully someone at bungie sees this I would love to see their reaction!