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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
CUZEN TREXにより編集済み: 12/14/2020 12:13:24 AM

The future of Power levelling in Destiny and why its bothering me.

I'm gonna be honest. Ever since I started playing Destiny 1 in 2017, only a few months prior to D2 coming out. I've always been the kid chasing power levels he'll never reach. I would do raids but they require high levels of communication and concentration, something that I struggle with due to elevated anxiety caused by my autism, because of this I've never done a single raid in either the first game or its sequel. Its not that I don't want to do the raids, its just that i've never had the confidence or time to properly enjoy them, but i'm not gonna get sidetracked on this. Even when I have managed to reach a reasonably high power level it often feels like the power level has lost its validation. Recently I was attempting to do the final Hawkmoon mission (recommended power level 1220) on my 1215 hunter and the blighted captain boss made it feel like a 1250 mission. Not to mention RNG had deliberately dropped a 1208 Truthteller for my energy weapon slot to ensure I did a little damage as possible to the boss, but that's another topic for another day. With the introduction of seasonal artefacts and sunsetting, it feels like are power levels is being policed. As if we're never meant to reach a definitive power level like we would back in D1. While I enjoy the bonuses that come with the seasonal artefact its always a bittersweet feeling since you know you'll have to say goodbye to it at the end of a respective season. Sunsetting is shaking up the meta to an extent, but it also means that legendary weapons are essentially living on borrowed time. If a compromise can't be met (which it probably won't be 😂🤣), who knows what the future may bring for power levelling. Sometimes I feel the only way forward would be to remove power levels completely, which would make so much more of the game accessible but also take out the core reason for playing. Feel free to offer feedback or constructive criticism on this. No hate, homophobic, abusive or threatening comments please.



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